By Clicking send you are agreeing to the following:
1. I am an amateur within the rules of the WJA/BJA and I confirm that I do and will comply with the articles of Association and Byelaws of the Association.
2. I, the undersigned, wish to participate in the above competition to be held at Carmarthen Leisure Centre on the above date and confirm the details given by me are correct.
3. I understand and agree that neither the organisers of the event nor the WJA/BJA (nor any of its officials or members) shall be liable or responsible for any personal injury to me, nor any loss or damage to my property arising out of my participation and travelling in connection with these championships.
4. I am totally responsible for my own state of health, and I am fit and able to participate in this competition.
5. I understand that there may be drug testing at this event and my entry is only accepted on the condition that if selected for such a drug test, I shall comply with the WJA/BJA rules regarding the same.
6. By entering this competition & signing the consent you are agreeing to photography and video filming being taken.