Registration Form

Online Registration

Please note our Privacy Notice (agreement), which is referred to in the registration form, can be located here.

Emergency Contact Details

Please use the following section to provide any medical information relevant to the above-named, participating in judo.  This is to include details of current medical conditions such as asthma, difficulties with hearing, Asperger's etc.  Please also include details of any known allergies e.g. penicillin, nuts and whether or not emergency medication is carried for such allergies.

(If there is no medical information relevant, please write none applicable (n/a) or none known)

Consent (Parent/Guardian if under the age of 16)

Please Tick all the elements you agree with below:

object/I have no objection (please select the relevant answer in the dropdown box below) to my child/myself being photographed/filmed for Judo related promotion and Judo related achievements.

  • Local newspaper
  • Club website
  • Social media
  • Club noticeboard


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