
Tots Session


From 6.00pm until 6.25pm

At Carmarthen Judo Hall

Carmarthen Leisure Centre


 Due to the recent altered restrictions brought in by the Welsh Government over the Christmas period, we have made a few changes and brought in some new measures.  Please be aware of the following details;
  1. You will need to enter and leave by the dojo entrance at the back of the leisure centre only.
  2. Spectators - only parents/guardians that are needed for safeguarding and/or medical purposes are allowed in the dojo.  This means one parent/guardian can accompany all tot players and one parent/guardian can accompany junior players if they seek permission from the coaches beforehand.
  3. Session Times - these are the same for tots, however they have altered for junior and senior players.  Please read the 'Return to Judo' leaflet or this online booking system for times.
  4. We have created an online booking system (located on the club website) and you are respectfully asked to book your session here. The calendar will allow you to book your sessions one day at a time or for the whole month. 
  5. Payments can be made online or on the day in cash. The instructions for online payments will be given via the online booking system. The costs are the same as usual... 50p for tots and £1 for everyone else.
  6. All players will be expected to follow the 'Return to Judo Guidelines'. There are 3 versions - tots/juniors, seniors and parent/guardians (See the club website for the documents). Please read them carefully and comply.
  7. Players will need to arrive in judogis. Those aged 11 and above will need to wear a face mask (unless exempt) when entering the building and remove only when instructed by the coach.
  8. Players are reminded to social distance themselves from other players, limit personal contact with other members of the club and not to share water bottles, especially during breaks and demonstrations.
  9. Players are reminded to limit personal contact with other members of the club and not to share water bottles.
  10. Players are reminded to social distance themselves from other players, limit personal contact with other members of the club and not to share water bottles, especially during breaks and demonstrations.
  11. We respectfully ask that parents arrive with their child at the entrance door no earlier than 5 mins before the start of their scheduled session and return at the finish time.
  12. Contact Tracing - by booking a place on the judo mat you agreeing that your information may be stored and shared for contact tracing purposes if it is needed.  Spectators will be expected to complete a contact tracing form upon entry into the dojo.
  13. 'Flow before you do' - The Welsh Government guidance suggests undertaking a Covid 19 test before leaving home.  Players, parents and guardians are asked to consider this optional measure.
We kindly ask that you or your child/children do not attend the session if you/ they feel unwell (cold like symptoms, sniffles etc.), have a positive Covid 19 test or are showing any symptoms of coronavirus.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns - there are no silly questions!!!

There are 12 people coming.

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